What People are Saying About What I Wish I Knew at 18
George Russell, Chairman Emeritus, Russell Investments
"Most of us who have read this book are well beyond age 18. If at age 18 we had read and understood its message, we would have grown up to be more productive, more supportive of others, and yielded a much more positive impact on mankind."
Beck Taylor, Ph.D., President, Whitworth University (Spokane, WA)
“As a university president, I have the privilege of working with some of the brightest, most amazing young people. Although all of the students who come to Whitworth are academically talented, what often separates those who perform very well from those who seem to struggle during their first years away from home is the understanding of basic life skills. What Dennis Trittin does in his book, What I Wish I Knew At 18, is to provide a very accessible and clear account of the important things that young adults ought to be thinking about as they enter adulthood. I wish that I had this great resource when I was 18 and headed off to college. I am confident that students who spend time considering these topics will be best prepared for a life of independence.”
Troy Alstead - CFO and CAO, Starbucks Corporation
“Dennis Trittin’s book really captures what I wish I had known when I reached that critical juncture between childhood and adulthood. The book is uplifting and encouraging, full of common sense and deep wisdom, and Dennis writes in such a comfortable, engaging style that I couldn’t put the book down! The book is as valuable to the parents as it is to their young adult. I am thankful that my kids will have this great resource available to them when they reach their late teens.”
Jeff Kemp, former NFL Quarterback, Vice President, Family Life
"Read this book and share it with high school kids and their parents. It’s fast to the point and full of practical life wisdom young people want, but often don’t get."
Joseph Helms, Managing Director, Ronald Blue & Co.
"Dennis has hit the mark, addressing topics that are relevant to young people today with the practical wisdom that comes from a lifetime of experience. The easy, conversational style of the book feels like you are talking with your dad over a cup of coffee. Well done!"
Gregory Rurik (M.D. Pediatrics)
"Just finished reading your book. Wow! Great job compiling and presenting those 100 success principles. I certainly wish I had known all those pearls of wisdom when I was 18. In addition, they would have been very useful in raising our 4 boys. Even at 50+ years old there are many useful reminders. It seems that too often in today's society the important things in life are overshadowed by the urgency of life. I appreciate your passion and effort to help provide a roadmap (or coach's guide) for life's journey in becoming the masterpiece we are designed to be, especially the emphasis on character as the "center of your canvas"
Andrew Wyatt, CEO, Cornerstone Capital Management
"Your book is outstanding; I only wish I had had it 25 years ago, when I was getting started in the business world. I am sure it would have saved me a few “field trips” down wrong roads!"
Ron Canakaris, Chairman & CIO Montag & Caldwell, LLC
“For pointers on leading a successful and fulfilling life, I highly recommend Dennis’ book to both young adults and parents. In this fast changing world where communications is by text messaging, parents and mentors will find this book particularly helpful in communicating life lessons, which will contribute to their being heroes to the young adults that they may influence.”
Tom Kamp, President, CIO Cornerstone Capital Management, Inc.
"In What I Wish I Knew at 18, Dennis Trittin discusses the vital issues facing young people as they move into adulthood. In a relaxed and conversational manner, he presents wise advice and challenges us to reflect on and redirect our life through better choices. While this book will resonate with young adults, parents, school counselors, and youth group leaders will also find the book thought provoking and engaging. I have been inspired and given practical recommendations on how to be a better parent to my high school and college age children and a better manager at work. Thank you!!!"
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